Friday, June 14, 2013


I got my knuckles severely rapped by 'him indoors', because my last post was way too long. I am just not very good at condensing it. So I have been thinking about an alternative method and this week I came across a lovely blog called Celtic House, where each week Virginia does a piece called "Rocking your world Friday" where she lists, with and without photos, all the positive things that have happened in the past week. Isn't that a great philosophy, that even when there is bad stuff going on in your life, you can still find plenty to feel good about. So I have joined her blog as a follower, and this is my first attempt at my week in photos and positive thoughts.

1.Plants that grow while you stand and watch them! These photos were taken two days apart. By next week?

  2. A pesky cacti that we removed from by the front gate and 'threw away' into the green zone behind us a year ago, that refused to die and has burst into flower.

3. Cheap apricots in the market so I could buy enough to eat and to make jam with.

4. An excellent Cantante concert at La Cumbre, on the edge of our village, to raise money for ASADIS on Saturday night. ASADIS is a charity for disabled children in our area. The concert was opened by a group of village children. Cati had taught them to sing Fernando and Chiquitita, in Spanish of course, and they sung them with great gusto as only Spanish children can!

 5. A surprise for me when I was presented with a certificate from the Lions Club in recognition for the 300€ I donated from the sale of my jams and pickles.
6. Between the Lions club and Cantante choir, we have been able to buy the special walking frame that this little girl needs. (I have a much better photo but blogger is refusing to upload a portrait orientated photo. Does anyone else have this problem?)
7. Aerial acrobatics from the birds over the green zone as they catch the flying ants and other bugs, that rise at tea-time.
8. My first proper swim in the pool this year. I don't know why I waited so long!
9. Little Kim, (with older sister Foxy)  who has learned to sit on command, and stay, at least long enough for me to back off and take a photo. He is six month old now and is starting to prick his ears up, and they are enormous! Do you think he will ever 'grow into them'?
He has also learned to go 'down' on command, but that may have something to do with the fact that there is usually a treat if he does!
10. And finally a picture of my new ceramic kettle, that Chris bought for me when I fell in love with it in a shop in Turre. It reminded me so much of Mum, who did so love her poppy mugs.

Do feel free to comment and let me know what you feel about this new style. It is certainly kinder on the eyes than long passages of print. Of course there will be some occasions when a photo and comment are not enough, and I am sure I will be writing my usual chatty posts for them!
Oops! I had to come back to link this to Celtic House blog. I am not used to linking this blog; it is usually only my craft blog that gets linked to others. But feel free to follow the link and find out what other folk are feeling positive about this week.


Jean said...

I love the new leaves on your fern, I didn't know they could grow that fast. Love the new kettle as well, very pretty. I am also quite envious of the lovely apricots, they are very expensive here and not always very good to eat fresh.
Jean x

Jean said...

Me again, I forgot to say I do like the new style blog.
Jean x

Virginia said...

Oh how lovely to come home and find a new Rockette on the block - fantastic stuff, your list makes me crave for sunshine, today in Yorkshire we are having mainly rain, a swim in a pool, making jams, raising money, being rewarded for your hard work - beautiful plants - absolutely amazing week! I hope this coming week is just as beautiful and as blessed.


The Scrapbook Lady UK said...

I love those photos! They have made me feel really happy! Please keep joining in on Fridays... I need to see the sun! And that pool! Oh lovely! Have a jolly week, jenx

Caro said...

I love your list...I want to go swimming now! I adore your cute! Thanks for sharing. Caro x (#4)